American Made Movie: Documentary Film | American Made Movie

Day 5--Nashville, TN

May, 5th 2014 Blog

July 9, 2013-- Nashville, TN The crew got an early start to the day to meet for an interview with ABC 2 News. Later that morning, the team was joined by one of our beloved sponsors, Ted Massinello, Founder of USA Coffee Company. It was a privil[...]


September, 13th 2013 Blog

Congrats! Ths is the paid version of this page! [...]

Can we make things in America anymore?

October, 25th 2017 Press release
Source: | Written By: Scott Paul and Vincent Vittorio

Since 2000, tens of thousands of American factories have closed. And millions of American factory jobs have disappeared with them. Entire local economies have been turned upside down, leaving many without an answer as to where their next paycheck wil[...]

The Manufacturing Report: Catching Up With Vincent Vittorio of the American Made Movie

October, 16th 2017 Radio

Documentary filmmaker Vincent Vittorio was ahead of his time. When he released the American Made Movie in 2013, he helped shine a much-needed spotlight on the devastation caused by factory job loss. Four years later, the future of manufacturing is at[...]